Because 7 are the hills of Lisbon, the colors of the rainbow, the musical notes, the wonders of the world and so much more…
The Color7Tour program is a personalized and sustainable visit to the city of Lisbon. In 4 hours we managed to get to know the emblematic points of the city (from the historic center to the Belém area, among many others).
Try the flavors of Portugal, from the typical sweets (the famous Pasteis de Belém) and finish off by celebrating with a toast of our Portuguese Ginjinha in a chocolate cup.
We have complete itineraries, or we develop according to the group's preference
Colour7Tour is a private and personalized experience, unique and tailored to you.
Tour recommended for tourists, national and foreign, and bachelor parties.
1 one_star
2 few_stars
3 few_stars
4 few_stars
5 max_stars
Sightsee308028, 07.01.2025 04:19:30
Ноэль был великолепен! Он водил нас куда мы хотели, и был интересным и дружелюбным Мы увидели город, сделали несколько покупок, и остановились в уличном ресторане. Это было прекрасное время, и Ноэль мы будем помнить тебя всегда! Спасибо за отличную экскурсию!
sinak670, 05.01.2025 08:13:56
У нас был потрясающий тур по Лиссабону — тук, хотя погода была не на нашей стороне — было дождливо и ветрено. Роджер, наш гид, по-настоящему сделал все возможное. Он был невероятно внимательным, очень дружелюбным, и поделился таким количеством интересных историй о городе. Он постоянно предлагал сделать для нас фотографии и убедился, что нам комфортно на протяжении всей поездки. В довершение всего, он даже высадил нас в выбранном месте в конце тура. Позитивный настрой Роджера и его отличная служба превратили черный день в незабываемый опыт. Очень рекомендую! Спасибо, Роджер!
OnAir01519278458, 31.12.2024 12:46:28
Младший был великолепен, и он сделал нас очень комфортными и желанными гостями. Он с живым интересом и увлечением объяснял эти площадки. Желаю младшему всяческих успехов
Atchoom83, 26.12.2024 16:23:49
Наш первый раз в Лиссабоне - и первый раз в Тук Тук - и это отличный способ иметь первый контакт с городом! Андреа дал нам запоминающуюся экскурсию и отличные чаевые для остальной части пребывания. Спасибо!
Abdulaziz A, 23.12.2024 12:17:58
Такой красивый тур в тук - тук с АндреаТолько что закончился самый удивительный тур тук тук с Андреа! .. Мы увидели столько невероятных достопримечательностей и пронеслись по улицам Лиссабона. Определённо ярким событием моей поездки!
Lora_S, 16.09.2024 14:41:09
Там так много запоминающихся предметов, много сайтов фотографий, Отличные остановки для дегустации еды. Младший был потрясающим, очень хорошо разбирался в том, что нас ждет. Были сайты, которые были в нашем списке обязательных для просмотра, и Джуниор убедился, что мы видели их и потратили время на их просмотр.
Kristin_M, 16.09.2024 12:36:03
Роджер был отличным экскурсоводом, и нам очень досадно было видеть так много объектов и районов в Лиссабоне.
Sarah H, 13.09.2024 17:45:15
Мы впервые посетили Лиссабон в начале сентября. Мы, две пары из Англии, решили прокатиться на тактах и, к счастью для нас, у нас экскурсоводом была Наталия. Наталия была такой дружелюбной, и ее комментарий был полон интересных фактов. Это было прекрасное начало нашего визита, и я бы настоятельно рекомендовал его.
Ames G, 12.09.2024 13:33:52
Артур был осведомлен и прост в общении и обладает хорошим чувством юмора! Очень хорошее знакомство с Лисбоа. Мы увидели достопримечательности и узнали много нового
Sandy, 09.09.2024 05:33:51
Марта была такой сговорчивой. Она договорилась переключить Тук Тук, так как у одного из нас недавно возникли проблемы со спиной, а у более новой машины подвеска была лучше. Мы хотели увидеть сад, виды и старый город. И она это сделала.
- Wheelchair accessible
- Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller
- Service animals allowed
- Public transportation options are available nearby
- Specialized infant seats are available
- Not recommended for travelers with spinal injuries
- Not recommended for pregnant travelers
- Suitable for all physical fitness levels
- Children under the age of 6 are not legally allowed to travel in tuk tuks.
- The proposed route can be changed in case of special events in the city, such as marathons or public events that block access to the streets.
- This tour is not suitable for people with back problems, as the streets of Lisbon are quite irregular, which can cause discomfort.
- This tour is exclusive, only your group will participate.
- We provide tuk tuks with capacity for 4 or 6 people. The main difference, in addition to the number of seats, is that in the 4 seat tuk tuks all seats are facing the front, while in the 6 seats the seats are facing the front. If you have any preference, please let us know in advance.
- Children up to 6 years old are not legally allowed to walk in the tuk tuk
The Color7Tour program is a personalized and sustainable visit to the city of Lisbon. In 4 hours we managed to get to know the emblematic points of the city (from the historic center to the Belém area, among many others).
Try the flavors of Portugal, from the typical sweets (the famous Pasteis de Belém) and finish off by celebrating with a toast of our Portuguese Ginjinha in a chocolate cup.
We have complete itineraries, or we develop according to the group's preference
Colour7Tour is a private and personalized experience, unique and tailored to you.
Tour recommended for tourists, national and foreign, and bachelor parties.
The Color7Tour program is a personalized and sustainable visit to the city of Lisbon. In 4 hours we managed to get to know the emblematic points of the city (from the historic center to the Belém area, among many others).
Try the flavors of Portugal, from the typical sweets (the famous Pasteis de Belém) and finish off by celebrating with a toast of our Portuguese Ginjinha in a chocolate cup.
We have complete itineraries, or we develop according to the group's preference
Colour7Tour is a private and personalized experience, unique and tailored to you.
Tour recommended for tourists, national and foreign, and bachelor parties.
The Color7Tour program is a personalized and sustainable visit to the city of Lisbon. In 4 hours we managed to get to know the emblematic points of the city (from the historic center to the Belém area, among many others).
Try the flavors of Portugal, from the typical sweets (the famous Pasteis de Belém) and finish off by celebrating with a toast of our Portuguese Ginjinha in a chocolate cup.
We have complete itineraries, or we develop according to the group's preference
Colour7Tour is a private and personalized experience, unique and tailored to you.
Tour recommended for tourists, national and foreign, and bachelor parties.
The Color7Tour program is a personalized and sustainable visit to the city of Lisbon. In 4 hours we managed to get to know the emblematic points of the city (from the historic center to the Belém area, among many others).
Try the flavors of Portugal, from the typical sweets (the famous Pasteis de Belém) and finish off by celebrating with a toast of our Portuguese Ginjinha in a chocolate cup.
We have complete itineraries, or we develop according to the group's preference
Colour7Tour is a private and personalized experience, unique and tailored to you.
Tour recommended for tourists, national and foreign, and bachelor parties.
The Color7Tour program is a personalized and sustainable visit to the city of Lisbon. In 4 hours we managed to get to know the emblematic points of the city (from the historic center to the Belém area, among many others).
Try the flavors of Portugal, from the typical sweets (the famous Pasteis de Belém) and finish off by celebrating with a toast of our Portuguese Ginjinha in a chocolate cup.
We have complete itineraries, or we develop according to the group's preference
Colour7Tour is a private and personalized experience, unique and tailored to you.
Tour recommended for tourists, national and foreign, and bachelor parties.
The Color7Tour program is a personalized and sustainable visit to the city of Lisbon. In 4 hours we managed to get to know the emblematic points of the city (from the historic center to the Belém area, among many others).
Try the flavors of Portugal, from the typical sweets (the famous Pasteis de Belém) and finish off by celebrating with a toast of our Portuguese Ginjinha in a chocolate cup.
We have complete itineraries, or we develop according to the group's preference
Colour7Tour is a private and personalized experience, unique and tailored to you.
Tour recommended for tourists, national and foreign, and bachelor parties.
The Color7Tour program is a personalized and sustainable visit to the city of Lisbon. In 4 hours we managed to get to know the emblematic points of the city (from the historic center to the Belém area, among many others).
Try the flavors of Portugal, from the typical sweets (the famous Pasteis de Belém) and finish off by celebrating with a toast of our Portuguese Ginjinha in a chocolate cup.
We have complete itineraries, or we develop according to the group's preference
Colour7Tour is a private and personalized experience, unique and tailored to you.
Tour recommended for tourists, national and foreign, and bachelor parties.
The Color7Tour program is a personalized and sustainable visit to the city of Lisbon. In 4 hours we managed to get to know the emblematic points of the city (from the historic center to the Belém area, among many others).
Try the flavors of Portugal, from the typical sweets (the famous Pasteis de Belém) and finish off by celebrating with a toast of our Portuguese Ginjinha in a chocolate cup.
We have complete itineraries, or we develop according to the group's preference
Colour7Tour is a private and personalized experience, unique and tailored to you.
Tour recommended for tourists, national and foreign, and bachelor parties.
Because 7 are the hills of Lisbon, the colors of the rainbow, the musical notes, the wonders of the world and so much more…The Color7Tour program is a personalized and sustainable visit to the city of Lisbon. In 4 hours we managed to get to know the emblematic points of the city (from the historic center to the Belém area, among many others).
Try the flavors of Portugal, from the typical sweets (the famous Pasteis de Belém) and finish off by celebrating with a toast of our Portuguese Ginjinha in a chocolate cup.
We have complete itineraries, or we develop according to the group's preference
Colour7Tour is a private and personalized experience, unique and tailored to you.
Tour recommended for tourists, national and foreign, and bachelor parties.
24 hours_before_travel_date - 100% refund
less_then 24 hours_before_travel_date - 0% refund