Borghese Gallery


start point: Rome  
end point: Rome  

1  days  4  hours

This visit for wheelchair users is dedicated to one of the world’s most famous art galleries: Borghese Gallery.
Cardinal Scipione Borghese built this magnificent Villa as an art temple in 1600, to house his private collection of masterpieces. Some of the works in the Gallery are by Raphael, Bernini and Caravaggio, just to name a few. The cardinal commissioned a country Villa for himself, because he wanted to safeguard his art collection, thanks to a two-hundred-hectares park. It was named Villa Borghese, entitled to his founder, and it was built with the intent of combining art and nature.
The Villa then became the home of Napoleon’s sister, the famous Pauline, when she married one of the members of the Borghese family. The famous sculptor Antonio Canova sculpted her features through an extraordinary marble sculpture, in the likeness of Venus, which is now one of the main attractions in the gallery. It is the only place in the world, where six of Caravaggio’s paintings are collected together. In addition to sculptures by the aforementioned Bernini, other masterpieces should not be missed, when experiencing this accessible tour.
Closed on Mondays and on national holidays.
Price on request.

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Price: 1 USD